• Browse to: • You can go directly to the installation by copying the above line into the clipboard by highlighting it and right-clicking on the highlighted text, then selecting Copy. • Click on the Start menu in the lower left hand corner of your desktop. Click on ' Network' (Vista) or ' My Network Places' (Windows XP) or ' Computer' and ' Map network drive' (Windows 7). • Click in the address field at the top of the Network or My Network Places window, delete the contents, and paste the network path from the clipboard by right-clicking in the address field and choosing Paste. Press return. (In Windows 7, paste the network path into the Folder selection, uncheck the 'Reconnect at logon' box, and check the 'Connect using different credentials' box. Then press Finish.) • If you aren't already logged in with your Princeton account, you may be asked to log in at this point: • Connect As: PRINCETON netID (Replace netID with your Princeton NetID) • Password: (Your Windows password).
How do I download 32-bit MATLAB? Asked by Sarah. I'm assuming that you are talking about windows. 32-bit is only available in. Downloads; Trial Software. American Horizons Schaller Pdf Writer. HOW TO CONNECT TO THE MATLAB SOFTWARE FOLDER ON FILESERVER. (In Windows 7. Right-click on the InstallMatlabR2010b32 icon if you have a 32-bit.
• If you are running MS Vista or Windows 7: • Right-click on the InstallMatlabR2010b32 icon if you have a 32-bit system, or on the InstallMatlabR2010b64 icon if you have a 64-bit system. • Select 'Run as Administrator' from the drop-down list. • If you are running XP or earlier: • Double-click on InstallMatlabR2010b32.EXE if you have a 32-bit system, or on InstallMatlabR2010b64.EXE if you have a 64-bit system.
• An Activation Key will be displayed within a black-and-white command window. Frontline Attack War Over Europe Download Pl. The key is needed later in the installation process. Please make a note of this Activation Key, or copy it into the clipboard. You must activate Matlab R2010b to use it. • Press any key to continue.
• Windows will warn that the command is an unverified program. Click 'Run' to allow the installer to continue. • The Matlab installation will begin to run. In the first Mathworks Installer window, choose to install using the Internet. • Accept the license agreement in the next window. • In the Provide Installation Information window, choose the Provide File Installation Key option.
A File Installation Key should already be present in the window. • In the Installation Type window, choose Typical and click Next. • In the Folder Selection window, accept the default installation location or press Browse to enter a different location.
• A Confirmation window will display what is being installed. Click the Install button to continue. • u • Log in to your Mathworks account by entering your Princeton University email address and your MathWorks password, and clicking on Next. NOTE: If you do not have one, you will be given the opportunity to create a MathWorks account at this point. A MathWorks account is REQUIRED to use Matlab. You must use your netid@Princeton.EDU email address as your MathWorks email address.
Please do NOT use your LDAP or Windows University password as your MathWorks password. NOTE: If you are a student and previously created an account with MathWorks for the student version of MatLab, you will need to login to the MathWorks website before installing R2010b, and change your profile from ' student' to ' academic'.
• The install is an unattended installation and does not require any input from the user. • Once the installation is complete, the Matlab activation utility will start.
• Choose ' Activate automatically using the Internet', and click on Next. • Select ' Enter an Activation Key for a license not listed:', and type or paste in the Activation Key presented at the start of the installation, and click on Next. • Click on Activate to send your activation to Mathworks and download your license file. • Click Finish to complete activation, and optionally start up Matlab. • You may start Matlab anytime by clicking on the desktop shortcut, or selecting it from the Start menu, under Start->MATLAB->R2010a->Matlab R2010b.