Hifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx Download

12/27/2017by adminin Category
Hifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx DownloadHifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx Download

I have little problem with maddog 2006 panels/gauges. I can start flight normally, but after changing views/changing applications (between FSX and firefox, for example) The panel goes black and doesn't interact with knobs or anything i do to get something to show in gauges. Only solution is Resetting the flight.

I haven't had single perfectly working flight with this aircraft yet.;( Is there any solution? I'm uploading a video of the problem atm to youtube, will link it after it finishes uploading. EDIT:Here's the video: This post has been edited by Gheed:, 22:28. I have little problem with maddog 2006 panels/gauges. I can start flight normally, but after changing views/changing applications (between FSX and firefox, for example) The panel goes black and doesn't interact with knobs or anything i do to get something to show in gauges.

Xpax fsx free download. Introducing a different kind of add-on from HiFi that works with both FSX and FS9! Microsoft Flight Simulator X or Flight Simulator. Introducing a different kind of add-on from HiFi that works with both FSX and FS9! With XPax, the experience of carrying passengers in an airline environment is brought to you in an entertaining and realistic way. Passengers and their individual statistics including health and approval rating are constantly updated based on.

Only solution is Resetting the flight. I haven't had single perfectly working flight with this aircraft yet.;( Is there any solution? I'm uploading a video of the problem atm to youtube, will link it after it finishes uploading. EDIT:Here's the video: Can't think of anything offhand, but when I get this type of issue I usually start from scratch with a reboot, loading the default Cessna at Seattle, make sure it's cold and dark, (and that it does work) and then switch to the aircraft with the problem. Also - Are you using the Manager to setup the flight? I HAVE unchecked the 'pause on taskswitch' button, and also, i have also pressed P. I'm not that stupid.

^^.not a case of 'stupid', Gheed! Everyone here has had what they thought was an impossible-to-fix issue, only to find out it was just a simple finger problem.

Anyone successfully flying the LH '80 knows exactly how easy it is to get airborne, but just read the posts from the guys that can't. Anyway - back to your particular problem: I can only give you my methodology that is geared to my having a successful flight and see where we differ, as I can't think of anything that will cause the issue you're having. The aircraft - 2006, 2008 Std., 2008 Pro - there are hundreds, if not thousands that are flying successfully all over the world - so this is likely some problem within your system, or some procedure you're unknowingly doing in error, or (perhaps) a corrupt installation. We are dealing with at least an hour to two hours minimum - flight/session, right? And I don't want to risk wasting the time. We're dealing with a complex aircraft, so I start with a reboot. Open up Navigraph nDac to consider and establish where I'm going, and then to print off the charts and select the appropriate SIDS and STARS.

Open the Manager, enter the proposed flight plan, set the fuel, get the printout, set cold and dark. Open FSBuild. Create and print the flight plan. Open Active Sky, import the Flight Plan.

Open HiFiSim's XPax. Open Radar Contact. Load the Flight Plan. Leave RC running. Launch Ken Salter's 'Alacricty', which will stop all extraneous services and defrag the memory. When this is done it launches TrackIR.

Select the aircraft and departure point and date/time. Hit Alt-Enter to reduce FSX into a window which will allow me to click Radar Contact's 'Start Radar Contact' button. Minimize Radar Contact. Hit Alt-Enter to maximize it. Start the flight. I have a couple of personal rules once she's up and running: 1). I don't ever minimize FSX to the TaskBar.

If I MUST start something like Firefox in the middle of the flight - I hit P first, then Alt-Enter, then launch Firefox (or whatever). Close Firefox when done, click in the FSX window, hit Alt-Enter, then hit 'P' to continue the flight. This method is absolutely mandatory in order to minimize the possibility of messing up the flight. I don't use time compression on flight of less than an hour, and only go x4 on flights longer than an hour, and I limit those flights to not greater than three hours. This keeps the wife happy. This might not be what others' might do - it revolves around my system and my addons - and, as I'm also learning the Maddog and its' FMS, plus integrating Radar Contact, ASA and FSBuild into the mix - I may be doing something out of place here, and hopefully someone more experienced might suggest some modification to my process - however - using the above I can guarantee I can successfully achieve an IFR flight from KSFO - KSAN without issue, guided by the FMS, using RC4 for ATC, and with the current weather. You don't need those nice addons, but the one I highly recommend is 'Alacrity' (Avsim library) to clean up the system first, plus the methodology used when task switching.

These two points - 7 & 8 - are the crux of my success. I understand you may be doing exactly as above, and you may consider I'm wasting your time, but there are not many causes for the problem you describe, other than procedure, a corrupt installation, or a corrupt FSX, and you would have this issue with all other aircraft if that one were so. Anyway - good luck: if someone else can can offer more help - that would be great too! Thanks for a big info, i will try it later. I don't have nDac, FSBuild, XPax or Radar Contact.

Also, i don't have Alacrity, but will download it! I think the problem might also be in loading the maddog tutorial flight, not just select the aircraft and then moving to right airport. And, i haven't got single flight to be ready to program the FMS. (i although haven't done any other flights than trying the Maddog tutorial flight. Yup; I hear you. I never did try the Tut flight. When I first got the Maddog I just started at the default spot at KSEA and used my experience with the CoolSky version to get this one going, but it's been a constant classroom!

The CoolSky '80 is more or less another FS stock aircraft - a very good one, albeit, but it allows for so many things to happen or run when they shouldn't - contrary to the real aircraft. This one takes work and knowledge. I'm for sure no expert - but if you wish, I will create a guide from cold 'n' dark to 6000' without the FMC from a KSEA gate in as basic as possible configuration i.e. 'radio rack fan on or off - doesn't matter' - type of guide.

It will certainly get you airborne without having to pore over dozens of posts to establish 'the proper way'. Just let me know. Now i had time to try it, and encountered couple problems: 9),10),,12) and 14).

I couldn't find where pneumatic X-Feeds are located, or IGN switch. I think i know where the start-switch guards are, so maybe figured it out too.

And then, i don't know where fuel lever switches are or how i can see EGT is below 90. If you could tell me where these switches are, i might be able to get the flight succesfull. Also, few improvements to the guide: Some pictures indicating the places of the switches, would be nice for beginners.

If you say 'Bring up lights on boths HSIs', I or maybe some other beginner couldn't know what HSI is. (I found it out accidentally, when thinking about the maddog tutorial, where i knew how to turn the lights up) Also, if you have time, adding FMC guide would be brilliant! Nothing else, really great guide, especially for the beginners, becouse of the small amount of things to do to get the plane in the air.

(Unlike maddog tutorial, altough it is great for people seeking perfection ). Now i had time to try it, and encountered couple problems: 9),10),,12) and 14). I couldn't find where pneumatic X-Feeds are located, or IGN switch. I think i know where the start-switch guards are, so maybe figured it out too. And then, i don't know where fuel lever switches are or how i can see EGT is below 90. If you could tell me where these switches are, i might be able to get the flight succesfull. Also, few improvements to the guide: Some pictures indicating the places of the switches, would be nice for beginners.

If you say 'Bring up lights on boths HSIs', I or maybe some other beginner couldn't know what HSI is. (I found it out accidentally, when thinking about the maddog tutorial, where i knew how to turn the lights up) Also, if you have time, adding FMC guide would be brilliant! Nothing else, really great guide, especially for the beginners, becouse of the small amount of things to do to get the plane in the air. (Unlike maddog tutorial, altough it is great for people seeking perfection ) Hahah!

An FMC guide! Now I know you're joking! OK - I'll embed some 'doctored' screen shots, Gheed.

I think there's a need for this kind of 'beginner to intermediate' document, because you're right when you say - of the Maddog tutorial - 'it is great for people seeking perfection'! Just remember, though - I'm no expert. I've had the same problems, and reading these posts - many others have too. Getting a 'newbie' airborne is the purpose here, and more at this time is beyond my present skillset!

All refs below are to the AOM Volume one. Chapter 16, page 2 & 3: The Pneumatic X-Feed controls are the two ~10 cm long levers with white knobs - one each side of the rudder trim knob at the rear of the radio part of the pedestal. These are the two valves which feed high pressure APU or GPU air to the engine starter turbines. They must be pulled up and forward to turn on the air. Chapter 17, page 17: Ignition Selector Switch. Lower left corner of the O/H panel - a black, rotating, multi-position switch which selects the ignition system used in startup.

It sits between the Start Pump switch and the Start Switches. Set to 'Both' for takeoff and landing. Chapter 17, page 17: Start Switch guards - two black metal covers with the switch levers poking through. Sits to the right of the Ignition Selector switch.

Uncover these to allow access to the Start Switches. When starting - left-mouse-button click, hold and drag each of these switches down in order to turn 'on' the high-pressure air to start each engine. You will hear the rush of air. Chapter 17, page 11: The fuel levers are the 'taps' which turn on the fuel to each engine. With the Ign.

Selector switch to 'Both' - the spark system will begin firing a spark across the combustion chamber in each engine as long as you hold down the Start Switch. The engine will spool up to 20% (or slightly higher) and then, at that point you will pull up (on) the fuel lever corresponding to the engine being started. The two Fuel Levers are located in slots directly to the rear of each Thrust Lever, are square-ish in shape, with a white button in the center.

Refer to the AOM Chapter 17, page 3 for pictures for below:- a). The bottom instrument in the engine instrument panel is N2 - the one that needs to climb to 20 - 23% before the fuel is turned on. The EGT gauge is the third down, and this must be below 90 before permitting fuel to the engine. The temperature can be lowered by running the starter without turning on the fuel.

When idling the Exhaust Gas Temperature normally resides around 320 - 345. The second down is N1.

Not too important for this purpose at this time. The top instrument is the EPR gauge - Engine Pressure Ratio. I tried with ur tutorial, free flight, selecting KSEA at gate 9, selecting Maddog, and continuing with the tutorial. Still, after getting to the engine start part, the problem shows up.;( Then I'm sorry, but I'm beaten, Gheed. I have to assume this is a 'Vista' or a '64-bit' or a graphics driver (maybe??) issue. I honestly think it's time for me to butt out and ask Davide or someone else who uses Vista to get involved.. Anyone care to jump in?

(a quick edit here. Did you try a complete reinstall, Gheed? This post has been edited by Paul J:, 1:33. Yeah, i have DX10 disabled.

I have Vista home premium 64-bit, and i configured myself as the administrator, so is there still need to right click ->run as administrator? And with external programs, is ASX/ASA still okay to use? Thanks, guys.

Edit: Well, i tried it, first set up with manager, witch i ran as administrator. Then, i right clicked FSX short-cut, properties->'addon properties' (i don't know how it's said in english.) and there checked 'run as administrator'. So now, it should allways run it as administrator? Well, i tried again to fire the engines up, i got the right engine working, then left, but then the panel/gauges freeze again.;( This post has been edited by Gheed:, 6:30. I think the problem is 'solved', i upgraded to Maddog 2008 Pro version, and have now followed the tutorial to part 4, point 3. No gauge problems yet. What is the TRI that it says in the tutorial?

A big day for someone! So it was a corrupt installation, eh? I'm glad you have it fixed.. And now you're stuck on the bars in the middle of 34 right. OK - Chapter 17, page 8.

It's the small - 3' x 5', grey panel with square, white buttons immediately to the laft of the gear lever. The button you're looking for is the T.O. Mode Button: - top left corner. 'Pushing this button will cause theEPR limit for takeoff thrust mode to be displayed in the EPR LIM readout. After the airplane reaches 60 KIAS the throttles will clamp (if autothrottle is engaged). The computer is re-activated when another mode is selected'.

Introducing a different kind of add-on from HiFi that works with both FSX and FS9! With XPax, the experience of carrying passengers in an airline environment is brought to you in an entertaining and realistic way. Passengers and their individual statistics including health and approval rating are constantly updated based on the performance of the flight.

The entire flight process, from pre-boarding to deplaning, is simulated and supplemented by multimedia content including audio and video. Cabin attendants, Gate Attendants and Captain voice sets are included and fully customizable using the easy options screen. New voice sets can be recorded with a few clicks of the mouse. Video, provided in a 'Passenger point-of-view' format is also fully customizable within the interface with a bit of simple movie production.

XPax is designed to run along-side FS and automatically senses when certain phases of the flight take place, launching appropriate events, audio and video. With XPax, everything you do is monitored closely and the passengers will react accordingly.

Using abrupt control movements, climbing or descending too fast, obtaining unusual attitudes, too many g-forces, aggressive taxi turns or a hard landing will all reduce passenger satisfaction and in extreme cases will cause injuries! Many other features, as well as a comprehensive user guide and top-notch HiFi customer support are all included.

Latest version 1.8 for android is now available in. Average rating for Xpax App is 3/5 from total 0 user votes. Xpax can be downloaded and installed on Android 2.3.4+ devices and above. Download the app and then move the apk file to your Android's SD card and then use one file manager you prefer to browse & install it. Please note that we provide original and pure apk file and provide faster download speed than Xpax apk mirrors such as zippyshare, userscloud, mega, sendspace, mediafire, rapidgator, uploaded. Now you can manage your Xpax account anytime, anywhere with the new Xpax app. You can check your credit balance, subscribe to Internet packs, purchase add-on plans, perform any reload and many more at the convenience of your phone!

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Xpax is the property and trademark from the developer Celcom Axiata Berhad all rights reserved. Screenshot of paX Passenger Simulator main window. INSTALLATION: • Execute the file 'setup.exe' included in this archive and follow the instructions within the installer. • To uninstall, select the link 'Uninstall' from your start menu folder.

USAGE AND HINTS: After installation, you will find a manual in both plain text and Adobe pdf format in your installation folder. Please refer to this documentation for usage hints. The archive pax.zip has 5 files and directories contained within it.

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Fraps is a universal Windows application that can be used with games using DirectX or OpenGL graphic technology. In its current form Fraps performs many tasks and can best be described as:Benchmarking Software - Show how many Frames Per Second (FPS) you are getting in a corner of your screen. Perform custom benchmarks and measure the frame rate between any two points. Save the statistics out to disk and use them for your own reviews and applications.Screen Capture Software. File size: 1.98 MB Download hits: 10215.

FSX Scruffyduck Scenery Design Engine (SDE), v090.2624. The Scenery Design Engine (SDE) can read FS9 and FSX scenery BGL files generated by Bglcomp. SDE can also read in XML files created by other tools. The engine is made available via a simple user interface. The resultant information is shown in a tree view of the objects contained in the file. The properties of these objects can be modified using a simple property grid. SDE can display information about the scenery in several formats.

File size: 2.04 MB Download hits: 2265. FSX FS Earth Demo. This program acts as an interface between Flight Simulator X and Google Earth, letting to follow a flight in real time, over the satellite images generated by Google Earth. Smith And Wesson Model 915 Manual Dexterity on this page.

Flights can be saved, and many options are available for fine tuning the performance, as well as the map's style (zoom, tilt, orientation). Works on a single computer running FSX and Google Earth all together or, for best experience, can be used on two networked computers running respectively FSX (master).

File size: 2.44 MB Download hits: 4429. Widetraffic For FSX.

Widetraffic is an FSX plug-in module that can be used to synchronize AI traffic throughout the LAN, especially useful when WidevieW is used. Widetraffic reads the AI traffic in real time from a computer designed as 'server' (typically, the computer where the input peripherals are connected and where you actually fly) and re-create the same AI traffic on any 'client' computer running FSX and Widetraffic, throughout the local area network. By Luciano Napolitano. File size: 1.94 MB Download hits: 1570. FSX Key2LAN Universal Demo v1.03. This program can be used to convert user-defined keypresses into mouse actions or keystrokes, and to send them to remote computers.

Users of multiple computers may find it useful for controlling software (for example simulated instruments and gauges) running on networked PCs. This utility has been specifically developed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, but may work in other simulators or games as well. Used in demo mode, handles a maximum of 3 macros for 10. File size: 1.94 MB Download hits: 377. FSX Key2Mouse Universal Demo v1.03. Can be used to convert user-defined keypresses into mouse actions.

Users of programmable joysticks, joypads, special keypads or hardware instrument panels, may find it useful to control software (for example simulated instruments and gauges) accepting mouse clicks only. This utility has been specifically developed for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, but may work in other simulators or games as well. Used in demo mode, handles a maximum of 3 macros for 10. File size: 1.83 MB Download hits: 643.

FSX Wing Leveler/ForceFeedback Utility Version 3.1.0. This utility combines both a wing leveler and a force feedback utility. The wing leveler will remove or restore Flight Simulator's automatic wing leveler function.

For those who like to fly using the autopilot solely to maintain a constant altitude the author has developed this little utility to modify Flight Simulator Aircraft.cfg file(s) to remove the wing leveller function. The Aircraft.cfg file is modified to add information that will. File size: 229.17 kB Download hits: 1199. FSX GA-Traffic second release candidate.

GA-Traffic is the first fully automatic general aviation (GA) traffic generator, now for FSX. Features: Generate GA traffic for every installed airport of the whole FSX world at once; Fully automatic detection of installed planes and airports; Simulate different GA traffic behavior; 'Virtual landing fees' unique algorithm to avoid GA traffic generation on busy commercial airports; Amphibian planes used only near seaports; Amount of plane usage selectable. File size: 6.59 MB Download hits: 18465. XPax, a new multimedia passenger simulation add-on from HiFi, has been officially released! This add-on is compatible with both FSX AND FS9!

A full multi-media passengers experience is provided, with included audio and video content (4 unique voices with over 12 total sets). New content sets can be recorded or imported with a few clicks.

Passengers are fully simulated from boarding to deplaning, with all various phases of flight properly tracked and monitored. Passengers can be viewed in real time via the manifest or top-down seating diagram screen!

3 detailed cabins are provided as well as a universal 'Other' custom cabin diagram that can be configured for any load. Performance is scored by individual passenger approval and health amounts which will change based on the smoothness of the flight. Abrupt control movements, unsafe flying, hard landings, and many more other tracked events will cause approval reduction, and in extreme cases will cause health reduction. Flight logs are fully exportable for use with VA operations. Real-time dynamic control of FS aircraft payload, automatic jetway and doors control, a report screen, documentation, top-notch customer support and much more are all included. This is the first in a series of low-cost dual-sim-compatible 'pocket add-ons' from HiFi that aim to provide entertaining enhancements to the simulation experience with exceptional value. XPax is available now for immediate download for only.99.

Over the years, we’ve been lucky enough to have created some true works of art within aviation. One of the most beautiful periods of modern aviation, though, was that of the piston engine airliner.

For many, they are the jewel in the crown. Out of all of these wonders, though, the Lockheed L-049 Constellation is probably up there. A beautifully designed piece of hardware, the Constellation tends to be in the top rankings for this kind of aircraft. Famed for its powerful performance and its, for the time, futuristic interior, the Constellation still remains a popular choice today. Press Release HiFi Simulation Technologies Murrieta, CA, USA AS16 + ASCA SP1 RELEASED!

Nokia S40 Whatsapp Download Mobile9. Service Pack 1 for AS16 and ASCA has been officially released after several months of testing, both internal and public via our OPEN BETA testing cycle. Thanks to everyone who participated and provided great feedback to help make SP1 as solid Microsoft Flight Simulator X is an incredibly well known simulation of aircraft flight that has been delighting would-be pilots for generations.

Take to the skies in a number of various flying machines with a full range of realistic controls and environments, in this award-winning flying experience. One of the major selling points of Microsoft Flight Simulator X and its predecessors is the authentic rules of physics that the game aspires to provide. These physical parameters are the very things that keep an actual plane in the air. Aside from these technicalities, there are an amazing 24000 real-world airports to take off from and, of course, land your aircraft. Crafts available include the iconic 747 jumbo jet alongside Hornets, Mustangs, Boeings, and helicopters. The game also offers fantastic challenges and missions to keep the player entertained. Enjoy freight missions, as well as search and rescue experiences.

Microsoft Flight Simulator X is an engagingly beautiful experience for anyone who has dreamed of flying an aircraft. The thrill of real aviation is vividly brought to life in many thousands of destinations and flight paths. The addition of exciting missions offers a fun and challenging dimension to this famed simulation. Want to check out more apps and software?

Discover the in our Solutions page. Introducing a different kind of add-on from HiFi that works with both FSX and FS9! With XPax, the experience of carrying passengers in an airline environment is brought to you in an entertaining and realistic way. Passengers and their individual statistics including health and approval rating are constantly updated based on the performance of the flight. The entire flight process, from pre-boarding to deplaning, is simulated and supplemented by multimedia content including audio and video. Cabin attendants, Gate Attendants and Captain voice sets are included and fully customizable using the easy options screen. New voice sets can be recorded with a few clicks of the mouse.

Video, provided in a 'Passenger point-of-view' format is also fully customizable within the interface with a bit of simple movie production. XPax is designed to run along-side FS and automatically senses when certain phases of the flight take place, launching appropriate events, audio and video. With XPax, everything you do is monitored closely and the passengers will react accordingly. Using abrupt control movements, climbing or descending too fast, obtaining unusual attitudes, too many g-forces, aggressive taxi turns or a hard landing will all reduce passenger satisfaction and in extreme cases will cause injuries!

Many other features, as well as a comprehensive user guide and top-notch HiFi customer support are all included. Content • • • • • • FSX is a developed by Microsoft with which you can visit virtually visit all the destinations you have always wanted, for free, and without leaving the comfort of your home! Besides, this game is very realistic when compared with other similar downloads. You will have to accomplish all kinds of missions in huge variety of places. Flight simulator X offers you more than 24,000 airports to choose from, all over the world. For that reason, this computer game will give you an interactive experience full of excitement.

Users can enjoy hours of entertainment with just a few clicks. If having 24,000 airports to choose is not enough for you, all the modes and planes you can select will surely satisfy. You can be the pilot or the co-pilot, play alone or with your friends. In FSX users will have to solve more than 55 missions, from serious and military actions, to humorous ones in which players will interact with celebrities. Flight Simulator X incorporates a GPS system and a weather application to ease flights and help users with their tasks. This flight game is appropriate for players of all ages, as it incorporates many levels that will adapt to one’s skills and level of knowledge. Players will reach levels once they make progress in flight and accomplish missions.

Besides all it's game modes, airports and wide amount of options, Flight Simulator X includes 3D graphics in order to make your experience even more realistic. You can really feel the real sensation of being a pilot. If you would like to try a similar download, is a game which also includes 3D graphics.

However, it's main advantage is that users can help to improve it because it is developed in open code. However, if you prefer dealing with ships rather than with planes, you can try and try to manage boats and even a submarine. The unique features of this simulator are listed below: • Active and dynamic environment with live maps • Collection of aircrafts to play with: Air Creation, Goose Beaver, single-engine, Airbus 1321, Boeing 747-400, Mooney Bravo, Extra 300S, Robinson R22 Beta 2, etc. • Multiplayer Mode: choose an airport and a mission and play with other players from all around the globe • Air Traffic Controller mode to give orders to other pilots • Missions of different levels of difficulty, depending the player’s skills: rescue missions, land on a truck, and fly up the Amazon or in the Red Bull Race • Tutorials for novice players • Trial version with limited use: two airports, two missions and three aircrafts available For further information, you can check the.