Importing Sketchup Files To Rhino Shield

12/16/2017by adminin Category

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Cosmasad: Thank you, guys. 100,000 POLYGONS right? It's tough to say. Cara Reset Engenius Eoc 2610. If it's all flat surfaces you're exporting from rhino then 100k polygons in rhino is going to fair better in sketchup.

Importing Sketchup Files To Rhino Shield

Sketchup supports ngons so many of those polygons may combine or, coplanar surfaces can merge and it will be less taxing on sketchup. If it's a bunch of curved surfaces, what shows up as a quad in rhino may need to be triangulated in sketchup so the 100k polygon export becomes 2-300k in sketchup and the model will be (generally) very sluggish. Pretty much, you're going to just have to experiment with your exact models / hardware. But generally, use the lowest amount of polygons which still allows the sketchup model to maintain visual integrity.

Just try not to get mad at sketchup for not supporting lots of polys i once tried to bring this rhino mesh made with a python script experiment into sketchup (approx 2.5million faces). It took sketchup almost 2hrs to open the file then was completely unusable afterwards.

Moral of the story? Halloween Games For Kids Parties. Don't do that.

Importing Sketchup Files To Rhino Shield