Uninstallwinclient Exe Landesk Software

12/20/2017by adminin Category

Question: How to uninstall the LANDesk agent? Warning: Do not use the /forceclean switch on a core server when removing an agent from the core. This will break the core server!!!!!!!! Answer: Run UninstallWinClient.exe. This program is located in the ldmain share on the Core Server. It can be run from. Feb 06, 2008 As part of a trial I installed LANDesk agents on a number of my PC's. Where can I get a copy of uninstallwinclient.exe? Jive Software Version.

Prior to installing a patch on the Core Server it is recommended to make a backup of the LANDESK database. Steps • Disable any services on other machines that interact with the Core Server • Double-click on the self-extracting executable and extract it • Extract the files for the Core patch • From the extracted files, run Setup.exe • When Setup completes, reboot the machine if a reboot is required • After applying the patch, you may need to re-activate your Core Server using the Core Server Activation Utility • Restart any services stopped in Step 1 Note: The installer included with this release writes a detailed log that can be used to help troubleshoot installation problems. After running setup.exe from the patch, the log is located in the ManagementSuite log folder. Installing on Remote Consoles A Remote Console is any machine that is not the Core Server and has the LANDESK Management Suite Console installed. Console Machines need to be updated to be able to connect to the updated Core Server and Database. Because ADS may block files on Windows systems, it is recommended that you extract the patch on the machine you are going to install it on.

Steps • Close the Console • Double-click on the self-extracting executable and extract it • Extract the files for the appropriate patch • From the extracted files, run Setup.exe • When Setup completes, reboot the machine if a reboot is required Note: The installer included with this release writes a detailed log that can be used to help troubleshoot installation problems. After running setup.exe from the patch, the log is located in the ManagementSuite log folder. Updating the Agent The patch should be installed on the Core Server before updating Agents Use one of the following methods to re-deploy the agent once the patch has been applied to the Core or to apply the patch manually. Methods of agent deployment • Manual: Map a drive to Coreserver ldlogon and run 'wscfg32.exe -f' This is used for single client installs and testing • Push: Schedule a push of the full agent • Self-Contained EXE: Create an EXE that can be installed • Advance Agent: This is a two stage process. The Advance Agent consists of a small MSI and a self-contained EXE. The MSI is deploy to the client and then the MSI downloads and installs the EXE.

This allows for bandwidth friendly downloads. For more information on agent configuration and deployment see Manual installation of the client patch Because ADS may block files on Windows systems, it is recommended that you extract the patch on the machine you are going to install it on. • Double-click on the self-extracting executable and extract it • Extract the files for the appropriate patch • From the extracted files, run Setup.exe • When Setup completes, reboot the machine if a reboot is required.

Updating the Agent With Patch Manager LANDESK Patch Manager can also be used to update agent machines with the patch. Content and definitions can be found in Patch Manager as LANDESK Updates and can be used to detect and repair agents that have not been updated. The Core Server must be updated with the Core patch before updating agents. Not all Component Patches will have Patch Manager Content created.

Uninstallwinclient Exe Landesk Software

Once it is generally available, this method can be used to update agents. For more information about updating agents using LANDESK Patch Manager see Release Information. Antivirus • Upgrade to KES10 SP1 MR2 ( to support Windows 10 • Upgrading KES requires a reboot. UI may not always refresh automatically, so you may need to press Shift-F5 to refresh UI to see rebranded UI. KES10 SP1 or newer clients get the pattern files from ldlogon antivirus8 Win basesEP10 and pre-KES10 SP1 will continue to get the pattern files from ldlogon antivirus8 Win basesEP. The scheduled task to download the pattern files ‘LANDESK Antivirus Updates’ should be upgraded to include all 5: • - LANDESK Antivirus Updates ->Mac AV • - LANDESK Antivirus Updates ->Windows AV vulnerability definitions (AV-###) • - Antivirus current ->KES10 SP1 MR2 • - Antivirus 9.5 or legacy ->pre-KES10 SP1 • - Antivirus 8.8 or 9.0 ->SDK version If the clients are not updating AV definitions, it’s good to check if AV definitions on the core are updated.

MacAV (KES8 with patchM) has a known issue. If report dialog is resized, AV will crash.

• Support for Windows 10 Anniversary edition • Added support for Windows 10 Anniversary Edition. Agent Configuration • 269625 Network View: Delete Device is missing mnemonics on buttons • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.StyledForm.dll • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.StyledForm.dll • 278553 DEU/CHS/JPN/CHT-Bad layout appears in Windows Embedded Standard agent configuration.

• Adjusted text alignment in the Windows Embedded agent configuration • clientconfig.dll • 279334 Taskhistory.xml is removed when a reinstall of the agent occurs • Taskhistory.xml is preserved when upgrading the agent on a Windows client. • wscfg32.exe • 280290 Importing an 'Agent Configuration' using 'insert mode' will create a config that doesn't properly reference the imported behaviors • Fix client configs to remap the referenced guids before serializing the manually-generated xml when saving. Also, the DeleteFromDB of a core-synced item from a remote core fix is in. We call 'BeforeSave' AFTER we tell the derived class to re-lookup all its guids.

That way client config can use 'BeforeSave' as an opportunity to build its manually-generated XML. Make GuidMapper.Lookup easier going (handles null input). The Firewall dataObj fix is in this shelf as well. Make sure to manually add the two extra reboot behaviors to the ReferencedBehaviors list.

• data.dll PanelManager.dll • 285660 MD5 Certs may cause unexpected failure with LDMS 9.6+ Agents in FIPS 140-2 Mode • Modified brokerconfig.exe to check if its existing client certificate hash algorithm is md5. If it is, it will act as if it does not have a client certificate on the /n command line processing. • brokerconfig.exe brokerconfig_x64.exe • 285973 The find filter may be lost when refreshing the Manage Client Certificates page • Updated client cert tab to filter with check boxes and search term at same time. • gatewaybiz.dll gatewayui.dll • 288527 Unlocalized string 'pending approval' certificate based authentication • - • ENUTranslations.xml • 289823 Logon Based Events are not being triggered in specific circumstances on some systems • Corrected a version problem with LDSystemEventCapture.dll so that it correctly registers the right version with COM same as the file version. If the wrong version is registered, it causes logon events to not be received by the local scheduler service. This fixes that problem.

• LDSystemEventCapture.dll • 304734 Files missing in custom remote control agent created via 'Manage Cloud Services Appliances' • Add missing SSL library files to package. • landesk.gateway.agent.dll • 311886 All foreign-Run a batch file action in Adaptive setting doesn't work • Since the feature was never implemented on the client side, we decided to remove it from the console interface. • PatchManagement.dll • 328497 Uninstallwinclient.exe not removing LDCred.dll from Windows System32 • The uninstaller now deletes Windows System32 ldcred.dll instead of leaving it behind.

• UninstallWinClient.exe. Agent Settings • 278602 Agent Settings may fail to CalculateHash, causing agents to not download updated settings • Call the new GetMD5Hash function in LDHashUtil_x64.dll. Use crypto for SHA1 at this time. • patchbiz.dll ldhashutil_x64.dll • 280604 2 of the referenced reboot behaviors aren't exported with the Agent Configuration when exporting/syncing/copying to core • Fix client configs to remap the referenced guids before serializing the manually-generated xml when saving.

• data.dll PanelManager.dll. Antivirus • 282768 'Database out of date' and 'Obsolete' configuration cannot pulled to client side • updated property values for database out of date and obsolete. • ldav.exe • 290439 Cannot use a wildcard in the middle of a path when entering AV exclusions in the AV setting • Allow user to input wild card character in Win AV exclusion list • 295201 Preventing AV from downloading 4000+ files after installation • Extracts bases files from install setup bases.cab to antivirus temp_bases8 landesk so that ldav update task does not need to download all bases files. • ldav.exe vulscan.dll • 302591 Some problems with Real-Time Scanning Anti Virus in LDMS 2016 • Make sure the parameter is not NULL before getting its value. • LDAV.exe • 310434 Reduce current AV pattern files size by 700 MB • Changed application version for the latest AV from 10.2.2 to 10.2.4 which will reduce the size of pattern files. • getbases.exe • 314007 Impossible to change the Full Scan schedule settings onto Landesk Antivirus with a.cfg file • It's because the imported schedule settings were cleared by LDAV and re-scheduled with our Local Scheduler, it will only use the schedule time from our AV behavior XML file.

To fix this defect, we added a new setting to Windows AV behavior file to indicate whether overwrite the imported scan settings or not. If this setting is set, LDAV will not clear the imported scan settings, also will not set Local Scheduler. If this setting is not set, LDAV will do same as before.

• AVBiz.dll AVUI.dll LDAV.exe Vulscan.dll • 323018 In some circumstances LDAV may ask the computer to reboot after every restart • It's due to the path of skin.ini and skin images was changed. So the function checks rebrand always false. And if the system language is not English, it will require reboot to take effect for localization.

• LDAV.exe • 331965 AV Install fails if Sophos 10.6 • Sophos Antivirus 10.6 has new component, so the uninstall process was failed. It's fixed now. • ldavhlpr.dll. Console • 214882 LANDesk Security Certificate (LANDesk_##.crt) may not be created properly in the Core server where the OS Organization consists of the DBCS • genkey.exe dummy certkeyname.

/orgreg will read the organization from the registry (64-bit hive) and will ignore the 'dummy' argument (which was left in place for compatibility reasons). Get usage info with: genkey.exe more • genkey.exe (Sharedtech) • 279161 Toggling focus between tree and list view doesn't update button enabled/disabled state in workflow UI • When the tree view or list view obtains focus, re-check the button states. • Workflowui.dll • 284845 Toolbox behavior error when pinned • Fixed toolbox in the LDMS console so when it is unpinned it doesn't go away when clicking on the group names. • winconsole.dll • 288159 Right-click 'shutdown or reboot.' Fails with unlocalized message '@@The current user does not have sufficient rights' when user is not an admin (but has deploy rights) • Allow remote execute (right-click scan now) if user has compliance deploy, package deploy, security config deploy, or patch deploy rights in addition to the previous 'execute programs edit' right. • data.dll core.secure.dll • 288163 Right-click reboot within scheduled tasks fails with an object reference error • Make sure the machine type and operating system name are added to the RequiredFields that are returned for each target device.

These are typically required columns for the 'Computer' object but were not getting obtained by the task scheduler pane. • softwaredistribution.winui.dll • 289595 Query dialog can corrupt 'extended' DAL queries when attempting to change view columns • Make sure we notice an 'extended' DAL query and don't try to convert to/from BNF when in the properties dialog. • data.dll winconsole.dll • 295199 Remote console only: 'Copy to other core(s)' menu need to be disabled on Roles' right-click menu. • Updated scopes • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.WinConsole.dll • 297364 If you change the size of your query window it will not move back unless you reset your layout • Fixed an issue with re-sizing of Query dialog. After making the dialog bigger one could not re size it smaller the next time the dialog was opened. • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.WinConsole.dll • 301406 Unapproved clients popup is showing for non-admin users • Only set the timer for the nag message popup to be enabled if the logged on user in as administrator.

• LANDesk.ManagementSuite.WinConsole.dll • 303247 Tab key should only bounce between Yes and No • Fixed tab order • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.StyledForm.dll. Content Replication • 280874 Vulscan.exe is blocking the content replication if there is network connection loss • Made a function that would release locks in the curl helper that were left open when a thread in curl crashed. • lddwnld.dll • 289144 Content replication fails to create a manifest file because it fails to decrypt the password • Fix the comparison operator to be instead of &&. • filereplui.dll (2/12/2016) • 298176 The File Replication error when not able to get credentials from the core is not descriptive • If vulscan's status UI is visible, it will show a message when it fails to decrypt a string. It will tell the user to refer to the log for more information. The log shows the core's refusal response code or 'ConnectionFailed' which is a home made string when we either can't contact the core or can't parse the response body. Vulscan sets its global return value to 514 if there isn't an error already set.

This could be overwritten by a later error by vulscan, though. Added a new status string to be displayed in the console for task status if vulscan does return the error 514. • enusdsts.dll, vulscan.dll, enuvulscan.dll • 302723 Replicator removes files on the target preferred server if the file list is incomplete and mirroring is enabled • Recover from a missing or incomplete file manifest. Have the downloader rebuild the manifest in case of one of the aforementioned errors. • vulscan.dll. Core Sync • 276205 An incomplete line of text may appear in the 'Sync component selection' window • move overlapping controls apart • winconsole.dll • 280018 Exporting an agent configuration loses the referenced Windows firewall setting • Fix client configs to remap the referenced guids before serializing the manually-generated xml when saving. • data.dll PanelManager.dll • 280263 A Remote console delete of autosync item doesn't delete item on target cores • In Exportable.DeleteFromDB(), reload SyncEnabled and ID by using the Guid.

Then we won't fail to get the SyncEnabled and assume it's a 'No' value because ID hasn't been loaded yet. • landesk.managementsuite.data.dll • 284009 Target core must be configured with a member of LANDESK Administrators group for Core sync to work • User needs to be in LANDesk Administrators group on the core.

Test button also checks if the user is in LANDesk adminitrators group or not. • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.Authentication.dll core.secure.dll LANDesk.ManagementSuite.Data.dll LANDesk.ManagementSuite.Winconsole.dll • 286481 There is no 'software scan' in auto sync components.

• Updated options • datamart.xml • 312461 'Public Packages' group relationship corrupted by CoreSync •. CSA • 269910 CSA: Remote Control Through CSA w/ 3rd Party Cert Fails • - • issproxy.exe • 285506 When using the CSA failover policy and running BrokerConfig.exe as Admin, it may only see the default CSA information • Fixed issue in writing broker.conf.xml in which it wouldn't write the value if the document was empty. • clientconnectivitybehavior_apply.dll • 295535 'Error Synching Certificates' dialog appears on top of Windows dialogs • Message box stays on top of the desktop, should only stay on top of the console windows (application modal) • Landesk.managementsuite.styledform.dll • 319043 CSA service account credentials can appear in agent settings • Removed password information for CSA from the clientconectivity settings that get sent down to the agent. • PanelManager.dll.

Data Analytics • 280045 Acer Warranty Info did not return warranty status. • - • update test case only • 305884 Microsoft VL B2B does not log in to site • update the content and relevant code for 9.6/10 so that the rule will work rule changed from webpull to iMacro • ManagedPlanet.DTS.Functions.dll • 311804 SKUWebService fails with This is not a valid 8.0 database [Universal B2B] • Bring back Clawback web service and make several dlls up to date. • 317092 HP / Compaq warranty rule not pulling details, asking for the Product Number in addition to the S/N • the change includes: 1) addition of a map rule to 'System Groups/HP Compaq Warranty/HP Model Number' map the Product Number to Computer.BIOS.BIOS Settings.Current Setting 2) changes to HP Compaq Warranty Info 3) code change to handle irregular warranty table structure •.

DataAnalytics CONTENT Main DTS Configs HP Model Number.xml. DataAnalytics CONTENT Main DTS Configs HP-Compaq Warranty Info.xml. Dataanalytics main dts dtsfuncs.88 dtsfuncs url.cs • 321356 Import Data: DA creates duplicate records in NetworkSoftware when importing new devices. Inventory • 259660 Inventory scanner not picking up the NIC's driver information on Windows 8.1/10 • Fixed registry scanning for NIC info on W8.1 and above. LD Download • 281125 Error downloading PXE Rep deployment package when targeting multiple devices per subnet • There are some situations with dependent packages where the same file may be added to the set of download files twice. There were some situations with peer download where this caused the complete file to be deleted.

Now whenever downloader is about to download from peer, it checks for the current size of the actual file, not just rely on the state in the file info object it uses. • lddwnld.dll • 288200 TMCSVC may grow in memory consumption • Fixed memory leak in tmcsvc. • tmcdll.dll • 293372 Peer without the file (with no plan to download it) can randomly reply that it has the file • Uninitialized memory in a peer discovery structure can cause a peer without the file to reply that it has the file. So now the memory is initialized. • lddwnld.dll and lddwnd_x64.dll • 297250 LDDWNLD may fail when going over a slow link with a lot of latency and dropped packets • Fixed issue where curl was being given an invalid pointer for the write_function • lddwnld.dll • 306652 LDdwnld.dll may not properly handle client proxy configuration to access public-facing alternative patch download server • Clients can be configured to require CSA to talk to the core. The current code would never try direct connections for web requests when set to CSA only even for requests that are not to the core. This fix allows direct connections to be attempted for non-core web requests even when CSA only is set for core communication.It turns out that vulscan detects if a url is off the core and because of the proxyhost limitation it tells lddwnld to disable proxyhost.

This breaks if there is an internet proxy in the network. So modified lddwnld to depricate (not do anything) in the disableproxyhost call. • proxyhost.exe lddwnld.dll. Linux-Unix • 147690 Security Vulnerability: *-IX - World-readable vulnerability scan files • The following file permissions are now used for 64-bit Agent RPM packages (not cba): PREFIX Directory - 755 bin/ - 755 bin/* - 750 etc/ - 755 etc/* - 640 except landesk.conf which is 644 jobs/ - 750 jobs/* - 640 schemas/ - 750 schemas/* - 440 • 192912 Linux: Primary Owner of machine may not be reported correctly • The last command was not executing correctly.

Rewrote the command to read wtmp directly to find the user with the most time logged in. • 295544 Sdclient makes failed directory in '/' and puts all failed policy tasks under it • failed policies now get placed in /opt/landesk/policies/Software Distribution/failed for failed software distribution tasks. • 302405 Change to the core status events url for 9.6 • Changed task status url to the url used by 9.6 and not 10.0 • map-vulscan, map-sdclient, map-agentsettings • 304480 Errors in the landesk.log files • map-reporter no longer reports a failed status if /opt/landesk/var/customdata does not exist. Map-versionscan no longer attempts to scan sendstatus which is obsolete • map-reporter map-vesionscan • 315813 Vulnerability scan result for Suse11 x32 client didn't appear on the core as expected • - • 321000 Linux agent install may enable iptables • The cba8 package installation should not add iptable rules anymore. All references to iptables have been removed and it is 100% up to the system owner to allow access to the CBA ports. • cba8*.rpm • 321001 Linux CBA can become unresponsive and has multiple running instances • Corrected the init script processes.

They were using killall which is an optional package and not installed by default in newer installations. James Morrison Broken Strings Download Torrent there. Killall is part of the psmisc package on both RH and SuSE installs. • cba8.init cba8.init.suse Both files end up as /etc/init.d/cba8 • 322397 Failed to push 64bit agent to redhat device and error reported in the log • The issue was caused by the installation script improperly identifying all RH installations as RH5.

RH5 (CentOS 5) is the only platform which has the pds2g6 rpm package - all other platforms have the standard pds2 rpm. • nixconfig.sh • 323502 32-bit MAP agent incorrectly puts a platform id of 'rhel5' on CentOS 5 32-bit devices • These changes are modifying the value of /opt/landesk/etc/landesk.conf platformid=xxxxxxxxxxx For 9.6, install.sh had a hard coded value of 'rhel5' under the CentOS_setup() function - this was changed to 'centos5'. Further processing will add the architecture suffix during installation which should be visible when run with the DEBUG=1 value.

9.6: 32-bit Log Verification: debug(4618): Determined distribution is rh5. Debug(4618): setting platformid to centos5 9.6: 64-bit Log Verification: debug(4618): Determined distribution is rh5. Debug(4618): setting platformid to centos5_x86_64 For 10, nixconfig.sh updated to properly identify an CentOS5 host and then change the effective vendor to RedHat for package installation. This allows the post processing to create the centos5 and centos5_x86_64 platform ids. 10.0: 32-bit Log Verification: Tue Aug 9 09:23:08 CDT 2016: OS Information: linux - centos 5 i386. Tue Aug 9 09:23:15 CDT 2016: Effective vendor for package installation: redhat Tue Aug 9 09:23:15 CDT 2016: linux and centos yeilds OS abbreviation: rh. Tue Aug 9 09:26:09 CDT 2016: Attempting installation of package: vulscan-10.0-0.4697.rh5.i386.rpm Tue Aug 9 09:26:09 CDT 2016: Installing package: vulscan-10.0-0.4697.rh5.i386.rpm Tue Aug 9 09:26:47 CDT 2016: Verifying package installed: vulscan Tue Aug 9 09:26:47 CDT 2016: Setting configuration: platformid=centos5 Tue Aug 9 09:26:47 CDT 2016: Successfully installed package: vulscan Tue Aug 9 09:22:23 CDT 2016: Notifying Core Install is complete.

Tue Aug 9 09:22:23 CDT 2016: Verifying installation is running properly. Tue Aug 9 09:22:23 CDT 2016: Installation appears to be running correctly. Tue Aug 9 09:22:23 CDT 2016: nixconfig.sh done.

10.0: 64-bit Log Verification: Tue Aug 9 09:23:08 CDT 2016: OS Information: linux - centos 5 x86_64. Tue Aug 9 09:23:15 CDT 2016: Effective vendor for package installation: redhat Tue Aug 9 09:23:15 CDT 2016: linux and centos yeilds OS abbreviation: rh. Tue Aug 9 09:26:09 CDT 2016: Attempting installation of package: vulscan-10.0-0.4697.rh5.x86_64.rpm Tue Aug 9 09:26:09 CDT 2016: Installing package: vulscan-10.0-0.4697.rh5.x86_64.rpm Tue Aug 9 09:26:47 CDT 2016: Verifying package installed: vulscan Tue Aug 9 09:26:47 CDT 2016: Setting configuration: platformid=centos5_x86_64 Tue Aug 9 09:26:47 CDT 2016: Successfully installed package: vulscan Tue Aug 9 09:22:23 CDT 2016: Notifying Core Install is complete. Tue Aug 9 09:22:23 CDT 2016: Verifying installation is running properly. Tue Aug 9 09:22:23 CDT 2016: Installation appears to be running correctly.

Tue Aug 9 09:22:23 CDT 2016: nixconfig.sh done. • 9.6 - install.sh which is part of vulscan.tar.gz 10.0 - nixconfig.sh Verification Information Test with vulscan.sat • 327586 Linux Agent Scheduled Task Issues •. Mac • 275171 Error 45 when mounting share after booting from USB Netboot • - • 277943 Macintosh inventory records overwrite themselves when the agent is installed with the same thunderbolt adapter • - • 277943 Macintosh inventory records overwrite themselves when the agent is installed with the same thunderbolt adapter • This is an incremental improvement to this behavior during provisioning. Following this workflow (in addition to the code changes we have made so far) will minimize this issue for our users: When provisioning a new device, netboot using the (single) thunderbolt network adapter.

Provision the device, including deploying the agent and completing whatever other provisioning tasks are required. When provisioning is complete, disconnect the device from the (single) thunderbolt network adapter, join it to a wifi network (or whatever other network connectivity it will be using) and give it a chance to reconnect with the core server, sending a miniscan. At this point, the next device can be provisioned. When re-provisioning an old device, it must be connected to the (single) thunderbolt network adapter and given a chance to reconnect to the core server (sending a miniscan) before starting the re-provisioning process. After that the workflow is the same as above.

These are the first of a couple of changes to provisioning and inventory that will completely resolve this issue. • 277948 Inventory Scans on Macintosh machines will stop at 'Scanning Network' when two VLAN configurations are in place • We fixed a problem where vlan interfaces do not return a status. We assumed it was there and tried to read it, resulting in a crash. • ldiscan • 282327 Failed to load the available software For the LANDesk Workspaces on Mac client. • The BridgeIT package in Artifactory was updated to the newer version but the code wasn't archived to be used for sustaining versions. This update put the proper version of the BridgeIT.pkg into the installer. We put it in Artifactory.

• BridgeIT.pkg • 285834 Can't save Core Cert Selection for Mac Agents • Fixed issue that prevented changes in the selected core certificates (i.e.. Employee Absence Template 2010 Winter more. 0 files) for Mac Agents to be saved from a remote console. • PanelManager.dll • 292483 Can't create miniscan file when booted from Stamper-created NBI • We resolved the permissions problems that were causing this defect. • LANDESK Startup Disk Stamper.app • 296890 MAC: Running vulscan with -h causes it to crash out • - • 297472 Distribution tasks that properly fail when run with no user logged in report an incorrect result to the core • - •. • 298978 Mac Provisioning: Netboot failed on mac client El Captain via scheduled template.

• - • 301217 Mac AV has no scheduled tasks • It's because the Mac AV behavior file was not retrieved from core. It's fixed by deal with the command line of ldinstallav to launch ldagentsettings to retrieve the configured Mac AV behavior file from core. • macav.pkg • 306070 Mac Agent configuration: Failed to list the default settings on “Scan and repair settings” option • - •. • 310901 Vulscan may throw exception when using the /scanfilter switch • invoking /scanFilter on the command line runs a vul detection, filtering on the indicated vulIDs. The command should include the language code + '_' + vulID. /scanFilter='INTL_MacOSXUpd10.7.1-10.7.;INTL_iTunesXPatch-10.4.1; INTL_AdobeFlashPlayer21.0.0.226_Detect_Only;ENU_MAC-JAVA8U92' Additionally, the string must be quoted if it contains any space characters.

• 313271 Scan/Compliance scan may fail on Mac • - • 318493 Mac Agent schedule run filter settings not saved. • These issues have been resolved for Patch and APM, by eliminating this interface in Mac Agent Config, and using the settings from Agent Behaviors instead. This is the first of several changes to more fully support Agent Behaviors settings in the Mac Agent • $/Master/ManagementSuite/PROD/2016.0/Hotfix/loc/enu/console/winconsole/LANDesk.ManagmementSuite.WinConsole.dll • 318525 Unable to select Events & 'Additional Random Delay once all other filters pass' in Mac Agent Configuration • - • These issues have been resolved for Patch and APM, by eliminating this interface in Mac Agent Config, and using the settings from Agent Behaviors instead. This is the first of several changes to more fully support Agent Behaviors settings in the Mac Agent • 318771 Processes remain in memory after Agent Upgrade • We were unable to reproduce this behavior. However it was recognized that we could do a better job of making sure that these processes were properly terminated when updating the agent. We have made changes in the installation process to do so.

• 320886 Stamper Utility not detecting required components • Updated Stamper utility to get all information. • landeskNBIStamper.pkg, which will install LANDESK Startup Disk Stamper.app • 324067 Old Stamper Utility needs to be deleted by the SU update • - • landeskNBIStamper.pkg, which will install LANDESK Startup Disk Stamper.app. Mac AV • 269966 MAC agent does not install SWD package unless the user is logged in. • We now launch install jobs in the correct context if the user is logged out.

• ldswd, ldapm • 326720 Mac Antivirus is able to be disabled even when the agent specifically disallows disabling AV • It's because the Mac AV behavior file was not retrieved from core. It's fixed by deal with the command line of ldinstallav to launch ldagentsettings to retrieve the configured Mac AV behavior file from core. Manage Scripts • 297999 'Current status' option for Scheduled Manage Script tasks prompts to cancel the task. • Fixed a copy/paste error that cause the wrong event handler (Cancel instead of Current status) to be called. • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.SoftwareDistribution.WinUI.dll • 302934 Wrong message when clicking on 'Current Status' of a scheduled task for 'Manage Scripts' • The wrong handler was added to the event which was calling the wrong method.

• LANDesk.ManagementSuite.SoftwareDistribution.WinUI.dll. Patch Manager • 215719 'Notify user before downloading ' doesn't work for patch • State that the 'notify before download' is a '(Distribution-only)' feature in the config UI. • PatchManagement.dll • 215727 Enabling and disabling detection rules is not always working correctly. • When building the context menu, if there is more than one item selected, then just always show both the 'Scan' and 'Do not scan' menu options, even if all items are already scan or already 'do not scan' mode.

Change the 'updating' background UI to use the 'ProgressWithCancel' capability. • patchmanagement.dll • 249238 Maintenance time window in the the patch and distribution settings is unclear when Core regional settings do not use AM/PM indicators • Sets custom format of start time and end time depending on the short time format specified in the region settings.

• PatchManagement.dll • 250032 Entering a large address in CVSS information field in a custom definition causes rule to be deleted or not saved • I put a max size limit in the edit control of 1000 characters and increased the max allowed size in the database to 1100. I also bumped up in the db the max size for the patch URL and the FAQ URL but didn't tinker with the UI associated with them. • datamartpm.xml (need to do a coredbutil with this file) patchmanagement.dll • 269889 Importing a vulscan results-file will result in a _034 file, when it should accurately reflect the vul-types that were actually processed • Fixed: Use the xml element ' when building up the unique filename for putting results.

Since that value is always '100' when sending group scan results, use commandline '/group=' value for unique putresults filename. Make providing deviceID optional when importing scan results. The sender will pretend that its device id is what was found in the results xml if none is provided. Beware, this import feature still won't work if the core is in secure mode (LDMS 10.0 and beyond) because the core cross-references the device's certificate information with its device ID (to prevent falsly sending scan information on behalf of another machine).Also note, that a workaround was available by specifying '/group=SomethingUnique' on the vulscan commandline. That 'SomethingUnique' value would be embedded in the submitted vulscan results file, allowing it to be different than other posted scan result files. • vulscan.dll • 270505 Duplicate hotkey 'S' in general tab of Rollout project property.

• Removed the duplicate mneumonic. • workflowui.dll • 274754 Reboot task override option does not work if vulscan/sdclient is busy • Reboot now action will pass /ignoreLANDeskTasks if ignore LANDESK tasks option is selected and it will disable WaitMyTurn option.

• patchmanagement.dll • 277872 Disable 'Go to Gather Historical Information' link in chart if the user does not have Patch and Compliance Deploy rights • Shows a link only if the user has patch deploy rights and not on rollup core. That is the same check as schedule toolbar button on Patch and Compliance tool that includes gather history menu item. • PatchManagement.dll • 279372 Problem with window resizing when downloading associated patches • Anchor is set to bottom left. • patchmanagement.dll • 281530 Ability to select any default scan state when downloading new content (instead of just 'unassigned' or 'scan') • 10.1 Dev branch only: Added a combo box dropdown in place of the checkbox on the download form so the administrator can select what default scan status to assign each newly downloaded definition. This option is still ignored by blocked app content. When upgrading from a previous setting, 'AutoInclude=false' is assumed to mean 'Unassigned' and 'AutoInclude=true' is 'Enabled'. • patchbiz.dll, patchmanagement.dll • 281549 Repainting issues when auto-sizing 'PanelManager'-based dialogs • Revamp the auto-sizer to pre-grow to the maximum size needed before displaying anything.

• ldpropertysheet.dll • 286452 Patch Manager ST000016: On some machines, a weak user password may not be properly detected • Increase the timeout from 30 seconds to 2 minutes when waiting for password guessing threads to complete. Added logging if we do fail for any reason. Place a string '>' into the 'weak password user' list if there was nothing there when we timed out so the definition will be 'detected.' • vulscan.dll • 286865 Patch toolbar icon for Add Chart is disabled for most type filters • Look at the selected node and decide whether we're checking for 'add charts' rights versus 'create new custom definition' rights. • 288184 Download update on remote console quits with no error after failing to write to corename ldlogon • I put a try/catch around the UpdatesList.GetUpdates() call so if it fails due to an access denied, we'll display an error, but still continue.

• patchbiz.dll • 289159 Uninstall tasks showing hashtags and numbers instead of icons • Changed list view to owner draw so it'll allow me to put the images in the columns. • PatchManagement.dll • 289204 Device reboots after pressing 'R' with a reboot prompt • Hook PreTranslateMessage and disallow pretranslation of plain old keydown messages. Alt-keydowns don't even come through there, so Alt-R will still reboot the machine. But pressing 'R' will no longer do so. • ldReboot.exe • 289338 Vulscan 'continue' fails to repair all but 1st item after rebooting • Don't keep a mutex in the wrong thread.

Put vulscan /continue into local scheduled tasks if we timeout waiting for the mutex (not just if we're outside the maintenance window). Don't try to keep plucking items from the continue list if we timed out getting the mutex last time. Mutex objects logs when it acquires/releases. Add repair task to 'continue' list if we can't get the mutex (only scan tasks were getting added -- although repairs are written as a scan task now). • vulscan.dll • 289447 Reboot 'Time' and 'Time_Readable' not written to registry when doing vulscan /rebootwithui • In 'SetRebootRequired' make sure to set the 'time' registry value if we aren't in 'never reboot' mode.

Otherwise, we continue to make sure that we delete it in that same place. Only set the value if vulscan is being asked to handle a reboot needed situation or do a reboot with UI. • vulscan.dll • 303297 There is no computer will be added to the task while creating an uninstall Patch task with 'Add all computers with this patch' option selected.

• add targets after task commits. • patchmanagement.dll • 305216 The icons of 'Scan Information' and 'Computers out of compliance' didn't work • Update for Localization When the dialog is re-sized, make sure that a handle is created properly • Patchmanagement.dll • 311811 FRA/DEU/ESP - Bad format for Patch Charts as list: 'Recent Vulnerability Scan% Change' and 'Recent Inventory Scan% Change' • 90.5 days ago was converted to 90,5 in FRA, DEU and ESP which made the SQL statement invalid. It now uses DATEADD function instead. • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.Data.dll • 315036 Users with no 'edit public' right for the 'patch and compliance' permission are able to move a private custom group into the public group folder. • if the users do not have 'Edit public' rights for Patch and Compliance, they cannot change a private custom group to a public group. • LANDesk.ManagementSuite.Winconsole.dll (InfoForm.cs, TreeListNode.cs) PatchManagement.dll (VulnerabilityCustomGroup.cs) • 326928 Failed to calculate MD5 hash for additional files from HTTP path during making custom definition • hash will be calculated for HTTP path. • patchbiz.dll.

Power Manager • 295591 The option 'Enable process sensitive trigger' may not save successfully • Correct the checkbox status when loading this panel. • LANDesk.PWM.WinUI.dll • 295611 Incorect IDs for Process-sensitive trigger list and End process list • Change product id into the index of the process. • LANDesk.PWM.WinUI.dll • 313053 Uninstalling Landesk Agent with /forceclean option leaves Landesk Power Management untouched • Updated uninstall to remove all Power Management components and entries. • pwmcfg.exe • 321299 Windows Power options are changed on agent reinstall • Update to only clear regitry if 'Force Clean' is used. • pwmcfg.exe. Provisioning • 278049 WINPE (x:) running out of disk space when HII runs causing the action to fail.

• Fixed an issue that could cause Winpe to run out of disk space when doing HII. • hiiclient.exe • 280594 Spaces in UNC patch not accepted in Map/Unmap Drive Action • Fix an issue not allowing paths with spaces when mapping a drive. • landesk.provisioning.business.dll landesk.provisioning.winui.dll ldprovision.exe • 284896 Newly modified template creates a new locked template every time it is PXE booted • Fixed an issue that caused additional locked templates to be created when PXE booting.

• landesk.provisioning.business.dll prov_schedule.exe • 288165 Provisioning UI cuts off bottom actions in action list. • Fixed an issue where the UI was being cut off. • provisiongui.exe ldprovision.exe ldprovision.sig • 289703 HIIclient does not match Windows 10 drivers • Added a fix to detect Windows 10 more reliably in HII.

• hiiclient.exe • 301013 Creating capture or deployment templates does not automatically create shortcuts within selected group • Fixed an issue where shortcuts to the template were not created in custom groups when using the capture or deploy templates functionality. • Landesk.Provisioning.WinUI.dll Landesk.Provisioning.Business.dll • 302202 Conditionals may not work with included templates • Fixed conditionals in included templates • 303490 Provisioning History screen can stop refreshing after a while • Fixed an issue with refreshing the provisioning history. • landesk.provisioning.winui.dll • 305442 Machinees may not start a provisioning scheduled task when already in WinPE at the 'credentials' screen • Fixed an issue where if a machine was tragetted after being PXE booted and waiting at the login screen, the task would never start properly. • provisionGUI.exe • 309306 Deploying an image with Multicast can cause the OS partition to be deleted by deployimagehandler.exe • Fix an issue when using multicast with a drive with no partitions.

It would select first available drive letter for the temp partition which would be c. This caused issues after installing the OS as we attempt to remove the c: volume. It now finds the first available drive after d. • deployimagehandler.exe • 309408 Device Naming Template defaulting to ldHostname if Timeout is reached • The device name prompter will select the option chosen i the ui on timeout. Previously it was reverting back whatever ldhostname was previously as it does if the user presses cancel. • devicenamehandler.exe • 314341 Cloning a template from remote console messes up encrypted variables • - • 315312 Not all.INF drivers shown in HII Drivers management • Fixed a regression not showing all inf in a folder. Only affected the case where multiple inf files were in the same folder and the user would like to disable the drivers in that inf.

Also fix the display of inf files when in the root node. • landesk.provisioning.winui.dll landesk.provisioning.business.dll • 316111 Map/Unmap drive provisioning action can fail in the netboot enviornment • added code to create a directory for the mount point, with the correct permissions • ldpmapserver • 316115 Map/Unmap drive provisioning action handler has a bad example • Changed sample text to read '/Volumes/example' • LANDesk.Provisioning.Business.dll • 323084 Unable to use variables in UNC path in Map/Unmap drive action • During map/unmap drive UNC path syntax check, ignore embedded macro variables. • LANDesk.Provisioning.WinUI.dll • 329708 Always have to reselect Software Distribution packages in Provisioning Template. • Fix an issue where the software distribution package selected in a provisioning template may not be selected correctly when editing the provisioning template.

• LANDesk.ManagementSuite.SoftwareDistribution.WinUI.dll. Reboot Settings • 237343 Client is not rebooting when locked and a reboot window later is set in the reboot setting.

• when local scheduler initializes, it no longer deletes volatile tasks if they are properly stored in a volatile registry key. This will keep it from deleting tasks if it happens to restart due to a crash or other intervention.

Crashes unfortunately plague local scheduler because it's at the mercy of the windows event capture system, which tanks every now and then, forcing localsch.exe to restart (and previously causing it to wipe out reboot tasks). Unfortunately, the “one hour delay” that is applied to the “lockedor logged out” options is implemented as an “auto delay” filter. That filter only starts the countdown processonce EVERY OTHER filter has been passed. So that means the 1 hour countdown doesn’t start until the user islogged off AND it’s in the time window. So a 1 hour time window will be exactly short enough to keep the reboot from everhappening because it must wait an hour after entering the time window. Discussed a change to stop the “auto delay”from even looking at the time of day, day of week, day of month filters. That way it would begin its countdown as soon as any other filter was met (such as logged in, logged out, locked, or whatever else there might be).

That change seemed a little scary because it changes the scheduler’s behavior for all existing customers. So the workaround I recommend in this case is to either increase the “time window” in your bottom portion of the form or reduce your “locked or logged out for” window in the upper part of the form so there’s enough time for all filters to be met and for the autodelay to countdown all the way. • localsch.exe • 280907 Always reboot override option is never set in a reboot task • The user's selection for whether to pretend that a reboot is always needed was never being written to the policy.cfg file. Now we write 'RebootAction' 'always' if the box is checked. Otherwise, we don't add that field so as not to override whatever the reboot behavior setting is. • patchmanagement.dll. Remote Control • 263687 No warning appears if new a folder with the same name already exists when using HTML5 remote • Reason: it's not implemented.

Fix: pop up warning when folder already exist. • filetransferdialog.js enurcstrings.xml chsrcstrings.xml • 263787 Foreign: HTML RC hotkeys are not localized • Reason: The elements of hotkey can't be localized. Fix: Make the elements can be localized. • index.html localization.js rc.js enurcstrings.xml chsrcstrings.xml • 282932 File Transfer UI is blank in legacy remote control • - • 282933 Alt+Tab when switching between HTML RC sessions keeps keyboard from working.

• Reason: The Alt key up event can't be caught if the window loses focus. Fix: Send an up event when window loses focus. • rc.js • 286975 Special characters are still in QWERTY mode instead of AZERTY mode when doing a RC to a Mac OSX Yosemite in French • - • 288372 Cannot change IME (Input Method) setting when use legacy remote control chat • In legacy chat window hit 'alt+' will not lose focus.

Installed Japanese and Romanian on English version, it will not lose focus when change language. • 289155 HTML Remote Control's File Transfer doesn't work in Japanese - Copied file name is GARBLED • Fixed double byte file name transfer problem so that the file name is not garbled. • filetransferhandler.cpp issuser.exe • 290962 LANDESK Remote Control service would stop and report error when the client was connected to core through CSA • - • 293362 tags showing in chat text from client • Reason: the tag is replaced by escape characters.

Fix: Make the tag not be changed. • chatdialog.js • 300688 Disconnecting Legacy Remote Control session when using HotKey Alt+C or Ctrl+Alt+C • Reason: the hotkey is not editable.Fix: Make hte hotkey editable. • isscntr.exe enuicntr.dl • 323737 Need Verbose logging for Remote Control • Reason: Clear the username before writting the log file. Fix: Clear the user name after writting the log file. • issuser.exe • 324459 HTML5 Remote Control permits unauthenticated directory traversal of full system • Reason: Most of request handlers don't check session ID before response to viewer side. Fix: Checking session ID in the entrance of all request handlers which don't allow unauthorized user to access.

• issuser.exe. Reporting • 266656 When scheduling a report to csv that was created from a query that contains information with commas, the csv does not get created as expected. • Add quotation marks over each column. • LANDesk.ReportingServices.DataDynamicsReports.dll • 297440 Several places in the Windows Console have the option to right-click and View as Report. When doing this an error is returned 'This report contains no data'.280818 • Fixed an issue where 'View as Report' can not work in several places. • $/Master/ManagementSuite/PROD/2016.0/Hotfix/loc/enu/console/winconsole/LANDesk.ManagementSuite.Winconsole.dll • 302935 CSV output of the Report doesn't work. • One place in the code use ANSI to encoding and this will cause problem in some local system.

Use UTF8 to encoding can solve this problem. • LANDesk.ReportingServices.DataDynamicsReports.dll • 304560 Power alert report display incorrect • This one is caused by a case sensitive mistakes. • 312293 Schedule a report as XLS, the XLS doesn't display the correct report information • Fixed an issue when schedule a report to XLS, the file displays incorrectly. • LANDesk.ReportingServices.DataDynamicsReports.dll • 322691 Schedule a report as XLS, the XLS doesn't display the correct report information • Fixed an issue where problem happens when trying to schedule a report to.xls format. • LANDesk.ReportingServices.DataDynamicsReports.dll. Rollout Project • 279789 When selecting a device group to verify success rate, a root group is not allowed • Allow the users to select a root folder as a target.

• LANDesk.ManagmentSuite.data.dll LANDesk.ManagementSuite.Winconsole.dll WorkflowUI.dll • 280664 Warning in WorkflowProcessor.Details.log when we 'process now' • Add a call to VulnerabilityCache.LoadCache() so it'll update the cache for the current worker thread. This will avoid the display of a long-winded warning message that includes the call stack in the workflowprocessor's log. • workflowbiz.dll • 280669 Non-admin (but not scoped) user can't see any scopes in scope selector in 'Success criteria' • Make sure the scope selector forms shows the user all scopes if he is in the 'all machines' scope, even if the user management tool hasn't manually placed him in each of the other scopes as well. 'All machines' means that the user can target to any scope. • winconsole.dll • 285814 In some scenarios a Rollout project exit criteria showing is 'Scan record not found,' which can be confusing • Reduce the sample size for non-platform-matching targets. This will improve the success rate by only evaluating devices associated with the vulnerability. SampleSize is now always applicable.

Success rate is still reduced for machine's having no scan results. Fix 'index out of range' when logging CVResults updates. Updated the UI to be more clear on how we calculated success rate, including a tooltip with explanation. More consistent column headers.

• patchbiz.dll, workflowbiz.dll, workflowui.dll landesk.managementsuite.data.dll, • 287651 Success rate items remain grayed out when doing prev/next from paused step to play step • Move up the line 'EnableEditableItems()' so it happens before we process loading any of the actual step data. • Workflowui.dll • 288005 Rollout projects, success criteria, select device group - unable to pick a root group • Allowing select root group. • WorkflowUI.dll • 289718 Unable to export a rollout project that references a query • Don't assume every referenced exportable is an eTask. Just treat them like exportables when serializing. • data.dll • 297047 The properties of imported scheduled tasks for processing rollout projects are changed.

• - • 298626 Rollout projects - non-admin scoped user may be able to scope new tasks by another user • - • 298691 Rollout project email settings needs an 'Enable TLS' checkbox • Added 'Use SSL' checkbox and hooked it up. • landesk.managementsuite.data.dll WorkflowBiz.dll WorkflowUI.dll • 305843 Software Deployment Processor fails when using Success Rate • Set software deployment workflow step list type to task. • WorkflowBiz.dll WorkflowUI.dll • 308196 The left icon will disappear from the screen when the last of the step name includes% • Fix incorrect treatment of step names containing percent signs.

• landesk.managementsuite.winconsole.dll. Rollup • 260892 Rollup Core Replication failed with error about UNMODELEDDATASnapshot • If you re-snapshot a core and you see this error in UnmodeledData, delete the data from UnmodeledData on the rollup using the coreguid: delete from unmodeleddata where coreguid = 'xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx' The snapshot will then successfully apply to the rollup. • Landesk.Database.Replication.exe • 260893 Rollup Core Replication failed with error about BEHAVIORINFO2Snapshot • The BehaviorInfo2Snapshot trigger was updated to detect a re-snapshot scenario.

• Landesk.Database.Replication.exe • 260895 Rollup Core Replication failed with error about ReplMETAOBJATTRRELATIONSV • When adding a publisher to LANDesk.Database.Replication.exe, the.exe will look for any duplicates in MetaObjAttrRelations and remove those duplicates before generating a snapshot for that publisher. • Landesk.database.replication.exe • 282886 Potential error with duplicated key 'dbo.MP_PART' on rollup core replication • The unique constraint on the rollup is both the computer_idn and mp_part_idn. Therefore, remove the unique constriant and just switch it to an index so the queries are still fast. • 287551 An unhandled exception may occur in the LANDESK Replication definition UI under certain conditions • If a user leaves a password blank, don't convert it to Base64String; leave it empty.

The check on OK will detect the empty password. • 298360 Error window may appear when executing SQL Replication on rollup core • If there are schema changes to tables that have 'snapshot' counterparts in the rollup database, we have to drop and re-create the snapshot tables in order to make sure we get the current list of columns in the snapshot tables. • landesk.database.replication.exe • 300160 LANDesk.Database.Replication.exe.log may contain sensitive data • Removed sensitive data from the script file and the.log file. • 318443 After installing 2016 SU3 and attempting Rollup SQL Replication with a 9.6 and a 2016 database an error may happen looking for the table ClientAuthStatus in the 9.6 database • If ClientAuthStatus isn't common to all publishers, don't include it. Shared Tech • 290618 CVE-2014-3512 (OpenSSL advisory) • Updated our OpenSSL version to OpenSSL 1.0.1t • 297178 Security Issue: CBA_ANONYMOUS logging in as batch account can be a concern for some customers • Changed the way CBA_ANONYMOUS is configured on Windows client systems. Previously it was added to the 'Guests' group and was configured to require LogonAsBatch permissions and denied LogonInteractive.

This was done to prevent the user from seeing the CBA_ANONYMOUS account as an option at the login screen. Because this configuration required additional GPO configuration to make it work right, CBA_ANONYMOUS has been changed to no longer be in the Guests group and is using LogonInteractive instead of LogonAsBatch. Because the account isn't in in a group such as Users, it still doesn't show up in the Windows logon screen. • ServiceHost.exe (and subsequently cba8inst.msi) • 320004 CBA8.msi fails in some circumstances with exit code 1619 on agent config provisioning action • Fix service handle leak, prevented re-installation of resident agent. • lddwnld.dll. SLM • 278622 OS Products should not be removed from the ProductComputer table during calculations • Fixed OS products - Updated SLM calculations so that OS products are not removed from computers during calculations.

• SAM.Business.dll • 290605 SLM fails to calculate on Rollup with SQL Replication • Made following fixes: SLM - OS Products should not be removed from the ProductComputer table during calculations Windows Server 2008/2012 R2 doesn't show as installed in SLM SLM fails to calculate on Rollup with SQL Replication • Sam.Business.dll.

Question: How to uninstall the LANDesk agent? Warning: Do not use the /forceclean switch on a core server when removing an agent from the core. This will break the core server!!!!!!!! Answer: Run UninstallWinClient.exe.

This program is located in the ldmain share on the Core Server. It can be run from that share or copied to the local client and executed. It is standalone and doesn't rely on any other files to run.

Uninstallwinclient.exe removes the Windows agent only. By design, uninstallwinclient.exe will remove: • All LANDesk files except some in ‘all users application data ’ such as the APM DB• All LANDesk start menu shortcuts• All LANDesk services• All registry values and keys except the common API keys containing the LANDesk GUID UninstallWinClient.exe has the following command-line options: /NOREBOOT The client will not be rebooted after the agent removal process completes. /REBOOT After the agent removal operation the user is prompted to reboot. /UI A progress window is displayed during the agent removal process /NODELCBA CBA8 (LANDesk Management Agent Service) is not removed by the process.

This is useful in some special cases, for example when the agent installation breaks some particular 3rd party software based on the CBA8 /FORCECLEAN This option was introduced in 9.0 and does remove the whole LANDesk installation. However, this includes some shared dlls so it may result in other programs not working properly. If you want to uninstall the agent remotely, Uninstallwinclient.exe can also be deployed as an Executable Distribution Package. • No additional files need to be added to the distribution package.• It's recommended to use the /NOREBOOT switch in the package if there is an end user using the client so that the machine doesn't reboot and cause the user to lose work.• When you distribute this package, the agent will be uninstalled but the status of the task will remain 'active' until it times out and eventually fails. This is because the agent is no longer able to report status back to the core. If uninstallwinclient.exe is failing to remove part of the agent and is causing problems: • Try the version of uninstallwinclient.exe from the newest service pack.• Notify customer support.